Precinct Chair Portal
1.1 First Things
Read the Quick Start Guide, meet with your mentor, order your HCDP Badge, and request VAN access
1.1.2 A handy guide to precinct chair responsibilites and resources. Precinct Chair Quick Start Guide
1.1.3 HCDP program that matches experienced chairs with new chairs. Your assignment will come after you are sworn in.
1.1.4 Wear your badge at HCDP meetings. HCDP Badge Request Form
1.1.5 Request VAN access
1.2 Learn to Use VAN
Learn VAN (Voter Activation Network), the online database containing information about voters in your precinct.
1.2.1 Van Starters Guide
1.2.2 Texas Democratic Party: Training & Resource Hub Facebook
1.3 Know Your Precinct and Representatives
Know the physical boundaries of your precinct, its representatives and its voting history.
1.3.1.Find your map here. Jurisdiction & Precinct Maps (harrisvotes.com)
1.3.2 Canvass report tracks each precinct. Voting History
1.3.3 Find your federal, state and local official here Common Cause, search by address.
1.4 Work Your Precinct
Use the Org in a Box VAN tool to meet your voters and find volunteers
1.5 Get Involved
Attend Democratic clubs and orgs meetings, HCDP events, candidate campaigns .
1.5.1 Find a Democratic club near you. Clubs and Organizations
1.5.3 Democrats have a lot going on. Find an event that interests you. HCDP Event Tracker
1.5.4 Map of Club Locations
1.6 Use Social Media
Communicate with your voters.
Under construction: HCDP provided standard Facebook page for chairs with limited chair modification
1.7 Become a Voter Registrar and/or Election Worker
Register voters in your precinct and work the elections.
1.7.2 Want to work elections? Contact Daniel@harrisdemocrats.com
1.8 Glossary
Restorative Yoga
Restorative yoga focuses on holding passive poses for extended periods, promoting relaxation and reducing stress by engaging the parasympathetic nervous system.
Duration: 45 minutes